Re: Explanation of the Type Industry.
The type industry—as an industry—is one in which the supply is far greater than the demand. It became this way during the nearly four decades after the democratization of type-making technology in th…5 -
Re: Letterform Innovation?
This is not true. The advent of geometric “block printing,” as it was called, was intended as a precursor —a first stage—to the teaching of Palmer Method script, not as a replacement for it. I remem…2 -
Re: Ergonomics for designers
Looking for high-grade office equipment cheap? As so many offices closed during the pandemic, never to reopen, there’s glut of unwanted office furniture in every large city in the U.S., and I suspect…1 -
Re: American lettering between Atkinson and art deco
Another important source is Frank Chouteau Brown's "Letters and Lettering" (1902). Brown was an architect in Boston and was in the circle of D.B. Updike and Bruce Rogers, during his Riversi…1 -
Re: Neutraface has The Guardian’s attention
Here’s a less gentrified way of placing better numbers on your house or mailbox. Set the figures in any font and size you wish, make a PDF, and have vinyl letters made at lettering.com. They can be m…4